Local Services SEO SEO Ireland are Irish search engine optimisation consultancy company

SEO Ireland by Pinguis Website Design

Having your Web Site is only the first step in marketing your business online. To generate sales leads and ultimately make money from your site you need to do a little more work.

Read some of the Internet Marketing solutions I offer:

SEO Analysis:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what you do to your site to give it the best possible chance of being found. Here’s some things I look at and can build into all new sites:

  • Home page and search terms, Web Site Keywords.
  • Title Analysis.
  • Text Formatting.
  • Content.
  • Linking Strategy.
  • Yahoo, Bing and Google Sitemaps.
  • Error 404 Customisation.
  • Web Site Statistical.
  • Competitor Research.
  • Code Analysis.
  • Loading/Speed Analysis.

Online Marketing

This is different from SEO and is what you do only when your site is up and running and properly optimised. I can give advice/mentoring on how to best get you up the search results using the following means:

  • Blogging,
  • Social Networking,
  • Online Brand Management,
  • Email Marketing,
  • Web Site Statistical Analysis,
  • Pay Per Click Ads including Google AdWords, Facebook and Linkedin.

Please Contact me for more info or a free consultation.

SEO Ireland & Website Design Company in Ireland

The majority of web users will look for your product or service in a search engine. It goes without saying that in order to maximise online traffic for certain keywords and phrases, the higher up your website appears in the visitor’s search results, the more traffic your website is likely to attract.Using a Search Engine Optimisation Company to prepare for “crawling” of your website is now recognised as a fundamental part of online marketing and one which is often given far too little attention. It is not enough just to build a good looking and user-friendly website, there also needs to be an awareness of how your website is seen by search engines and what techniques and strategies need to be implemented to optimise the chances of being found online.In basic terms, search engines work by crawling, indexing, processing queries, and ranking results. Your hope as a small web business owner is to get into the top 30 ranking results of the big three search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. The coveted, cream of the crop rankings are those which fall on the first page of the search engine results in the top ten positions. And, because Google enjoys the biggest market share, most small businesses see most benefits from ranking well in Google. Google is the main search engine on which we concentrate.SEO professionals spend a lot of time and energy trying to make educated guesses about how to second-guess the search engines’ algorithms. Our experience optimizing websites has given us a good idea what each engine is looking for and the best way to position your website to rank well for selected keywords or phrases.

How we will help you:

Conduct an initial marketing survey.This includes asking you some questions about your marketing aims as part of a User Needs Analysis.Examine and suggest improvements on Keyword and Meta tag content.This is one of the most important features for your site to be given a high ranking. Most search engines use spiders to index meta tag & content. We can advise and implement this on your website.

Keyword Phrase Research

Popular keywords are essential to success. Using the suggestions you give us and our analysis of your website, we will research your keywords against those actually used in search engine queries in order to find the most popular ones for your product or service.Improvement and additions for web site and web page content to increase your search engine ranking.Recommend that you change certain words or phrases in your website. We can offer different text paragraphs to be added into your site which will generate a higher search engine position and gain extra exposure for your website.

Help you get an “off-site” SEO strategy.

In addition to optimising your website internally for high search engine visibility, an important part of the SEO process is the work done off-site such as generating backlinks, directory and article submission and use of social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

SEO on phone training provided

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